3 Important Vaccines For Dogs Who Hike And Hunt

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3 Important Vaccines For Dogs Who Hike And Hunt

Some dogs live indoors and barely even go outside to use the bathroom. Other dogs spend lots of time not only outside but in the wilderness. If you hike or hunt with your dog, then they likely belong in this second category. This lifestyle is important to take into account when you take your dog to the vet. Most importantly, dogs who spend lots of time hiking and hunting are exposed to pathogens that indoor dogs don't typically encounter. For their own protection, there are a few extra vaccines they should have.

Lyme Disease Vaccine

Lyme disease is a disease spread by ticks. If a tick bites your dog, it can pass on the spirochete bacteria that causes Lyme disease. You probably take measures to prevent tick bites. For instance, you might apply pesticide drops to your dog's skin or have them wear a tick-repelling collar. These measures are really helpful, but they are not 100% effective. Your dog should also be vaccinated for Lyme disease to ensure that if they are bitten by a tick, they are protected. Lyme disease causes stiffness, fever, sore joints, and neurological symptoms, and it is tough to treat, so prevention is key.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that is spread by wildlife like coyotes and raccoons. Your dog does not even have to come into direct contact with wildlife to get the disease. All they have to do is drink from a puddle or stream near a spot where these animals have urinated or defecated. That happens a lot. Leptospirosis causes severe digestive distress. It can also lead to blindness, and it's often deadly. It's better to protect your dog than to plan on treating leptospirosis if your dog gets it.

Canine Distemper

Technically many dogs who live indoors should be vaccinated for canine distemper, too, if they come into contact with other dogs. However, dogs who spend outdoors need this vaccine even more urgently. Even though the disease is called canine distemper, it can be spread by raccoons and coyotes. This disease can cause coughing, wheezing, diarrhea, and pneumonia. It can be deadly and really hard to treat, so prevention is key.

If your dog hunts or hikes with you, make sure they have the disease protection they need. Talk to a veterinarian to learn more about pet vaccines. Your vet can let you know what schedule needs to be followed for each shot.

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About Me

Welcoming a New Pet into Your Home Do you absolutely adore animals? Perhaps, you frequently welcome abandoned dogs or cats into your home that you find in the streets. When you rescue an animal, be sure to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian as quickly as possible. This professional can run some tests on your new pet to make sure he or she doesn’t have a disease or other type of medical condition. A veterinarian can also recommend any vaccinations or medications your cat or dog may need. Your veterinarian can spay or neuter your new pet if you would like him or her to. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a veterinarian can protect both you and the abandoned animal you’ve brought into your home. Enjoy!


